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Dealing With The Results Of A Motorcycle Wreck

Motorcycle wrecks can be some of the most difficult to handle and the most dangerous. Motorcyclists are often not given the same respect on the road as cars, trucks, and larger vehicles. The negligent actions of other drivers can leave motorcyclists seriously injured or cause their loved ones grief and suffering from the loss of their family.

Common causes of motorcycle wrecks

Because motorcycles are smaller than cars, it is often harder to see them on the road. This is why being aware is so important. Some of the typical causes of motorcycle accidents include the following.

  • Negligence: Many drivers simply do not pay attention to their surroundings.
  • Bad weather: Sometimes bad weather is the cause of motorcycle accidents.
  • Intoxication: Drunk drivers are a danger to everyone on the road.
  • Rider error: Sometimes motorcyclists speed or drive dangerously, which can cause wrecks.

What happens after motorcycle wrecks?

Riders are not protected by a metal frame, so the results of a motorcycle wreck can be devastating. Brain damage, broken bones, internal bleeding, burns, and even death are common injuries. You will have to deal with large medical bills, long-term pain, permanent disfigurement, and lost wages too. If you plan on filing a claim or lawsuit, you will have to handle even more. This can add to the stress.

If you or a loved one were a victim of the negligence that resulted in a motorcycle wreck, you may not know how to handle the situation. A personal injury attorney experienced with road accidents can help you navigate the intricacies of filing a claim or lawsuit. For those who have lost a family member, an attorney can also help with a wrongful death claim.

Getting help after a motorcycle accident

If you were the victim in a motorcycle accident or if you lost a loved one due to negligent actions, Attorney Dean Boyd can help. Call us at (806) 242-3333 to see how we can help you during this difficult time.

*The content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. Viewing this information does not establish/constitute an attorney-client relationship with Attorney Dean Boyd.