Creating And Keeping A Pain Journal After An Accident
Monday, December 2nd, 2019

Even if an accident was one of the worst experiences of your life, you will probably not have a completely accurate memory of the event. This can happen because of physical damage to the brain or even emotional trauma. Accident claims and lawsuits rely on evidence and facts, so having a fuzzy memory can hurt your case. Having a pain journal can help you document everything related to the accident.
The basics of your pain journal
The first thing that you should write down in your journal is everything you remember about the accident. This includes the date, time, weather and environmental conditions, emotions, injuries, and damage that occurred. These factors can vary depending upon the type of accident you were in. All information needs to be documented as soon as possible after the event.
As far as pain levels, you need to document these each day on a scale of one to ten. Include the date and time you are journaling, as well as any factors you think may be important. For example, you can record how much pain you are in, what you are not able to do because of your injuries, and where you are writing that day. The type of injuries you have, how they are healing (or not healing), your mental state, and factors that affect your pain should also be included.
What else can be included in the journal?
Besides the basics listed above, there are many other things you need to record after your accident. Document everything that could be important to your case, like the following.
Conversations with officials, insurance agents, and witnesses
Any conversation you have with the authorities, insurance company, and witnesses should be recorded in your journal. If something seems unimportant, you should still write it down. Usually, a personal injury attorney will handle talking with everyone for you. In fact, it is highly recommended that you work with one of these professionals as soon as possible after the accident.
Visits with your doctors and medical information
This information will likely be included with your daily pain records, at least in part. Any appointments you have with medical professionals should be documented, as well as your treatments and medications. This will provide information for a jury as well as help your doctors keep track of your progress.
Tips for writing in your pain journal
Keeping up with a pain journal can seem difficult, especially if you are seriously injured. However, it can be an important step for getting compensation. These tips can help you get the most out of your pain journal.
- Write everything down, even if you feel you are oversharing. Your attorney will help you decide what to share in your claim or case.
- Journaling can help you clear your mind and handle your emotions after an accident.
- Take photos of your medications and your injuries on your phone. These can add to the records in your pain journal.
- Document your medical bills and receipts. These documents will be separate, but you can also write down how much you paid in your journal.
- Be descriptive when you journal. This will help the jury have a more accurate idea of your pain and how your life has been affected by the accident.
- Ask your personal injury attorney for help if you aren’t sure what to write. Also, keep them updated by sharing important information with them from your journal.
- Remember to include information about missed work and wages.
Do you need legal assistance after an accident?
Attorney Dean Boyd and his team are prepared to help you during this difficult time. You can call us at (806) 242-3333 or Contact Us by email to learn about our Services and to set up your free consultation. We have locations in 4423 SW 45th Ave in Amarillo, Texas or 10623 Quaker Ave #102 in Lubbock, Texas.