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Sunday, July 17th, 2022
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April is National Distracted Driving Awareness month, but that shouldn’t mean that drivers are only aware at wheel one month out of twelve. Unintentional accidents, including car wrecks, are among the top 10 causes of death in the United States.

Wednesday, April 29th, 2020
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Head injuries are some of the most common afflictions resulting from a car accident and some of the most dangerous. In some cases, victims can be unaware that they have brain trauma, putting them even more at risk. Healthcare providers...

Sunday, April 26th, 2020
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Warmer weather gets most people out of the house and behind the wheel. Some even look at taking road trips during this time. However, just because the weather is nicer, it doesn’t mean it is completely safe to drive. Take...

Monday, November 12th, 2018
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Drunk driving is becoming more common in many cities across the United States, including Lubbock, Texas. In 2017, the Texas Department of Transportation recorded 265 DUI crashes in the city of Lubbock. There were 910 fatal accidents related to driving...

Monday, November 5th, 2018
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According to a report by the National Highway Traffic Safety Association (NHTSA), nearly 5,000 pedestrians lost their lives in vehicle accidents in 2015. There are wide-ranging non-vehicular accidents that cause pedestrian injuries and deaths as well. These include parking lot...

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