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Car Wrecks

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A car accident can be distressing for you, your friends and your family. From a ruined car to lost income and huge medical bills, surgery and severe pain, the problems can take many forms. If your car accident injuries were caused by someone else’s negligence, you will need a car wreck attorney to help you get the compensation you deserve.

The Right Car Wreck Attorney For You

At the law office of Attorney Dean Boyd, our firm’s attorneys and staff are knowledgeable and caring. We work hard for car accident victims, helping them obtain maximum compensation for their losses.

We are experienced when it comes to dealing with insurance companies in cases such as semi-truck accidents involving tired drivers, improper vehicle maintenance, and other problems. We handle cases involving motorcycle crashes, drivers who were drunk or under the influence of drugs, and distracted drivers who were texting, surfing the web, talking on the phone, applying makeup or eating while driving. Uninsured and underinsured motorists who just don’t have enough money to cover your losses, as well as product liability related to defective seat belts, tires, brakes, and other issues, are also cases Attorney Dean Boyd can represent you for.

If you are in a car accident, you can help document your case by taking pictures of the scene, your vehicle, and your injuries.

Contact the law office of Attorney Dean Boyd today for a free consultation

Many drivers do not know what to do after a car accident. Our law firm can provide the guidance you need. Once Attorney Dean Boyd represents you, he is only putting your interests first, not the insurance companies. Contact us today for a free consultation. Give us a call at (806) 242-3333 or Contact Us via email.


If you have been hurt, seek medical attention first. Depending on the situation, if you are able to and don’t need to be rushed to the ER, take some videos or pictures of the accident scene. Make sure to also get any contact information for witnesses. You might find this part difficult, but do not admit fault in any way. This means no apologies to the other driver. Anything you say can be used against you later. If the accident was not your fault and you’d like to seek compensation, then you would call a personal injury attorney.
Even if you don’t feel like you’ve been hurt following an accident, it’s best to get yourself checked out by a medical professional when you can. Your adrenaline will be rushing through your body in the event of a car wreck, which will dull any pain you may have felt otherwise.
Never speak with an insurance adjuster. If you already have a personal injury attorney, promptly ask them to call your lawyer instead. They are more than likely trying to get a statement from you that would reduce, or altogether eliminate, liability.
There are a lot of factors that determine how much your case is actually worth. Give us a call to set up a free consultation and we can discuss your injuries more in-depth.
You may be able to use Personal Injury Protection (PIP) coverage if you have it as well as health insurance to cover some. If you don’t have health insurance, there are doctors available that will treat you with the agreement that they will be paid from your settlement.
We offer a no fee guarantee! There are no attorney fees unless we collect.
Please, seek medical attention right away following an accident like a car wreck, especially if you’re pregnant at the time. Stress, emotional trauma, and physical injuries can all affect you and your baby negatively. Even if you feel fine after and it was a minor accident, it’s best to have a medical professional make sure. Then, you can take legal action to recover the compensation that is owed to you if someone else was at fault for the accident. If you lose your baby as a result of the car wreck, you may also be able to file a wrongful death suit.
After getting treatment for any injuries, you’ll want to get legal advice. If you don’t have uninsured motorist coverage, it can be more difficult to find compensation for damages. Following an accident, document the scene, gather contact information from witnesses, and absolutely get the other driver’s information. If they are being difficult, call the police so they can file an accident report. This can also be helpful later. Then get in touch with a personal injury lawyer to determine if you have a case.

*The content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. Viewing this information does not establish/constitute an attorney-client relationship with Attorney Dean Boyd.