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Should I Settle My 18 Wheeler Accident Claim Quickly?

Thursday, December 13th, 2018
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If you are in an 18 wheeler accident (or any vehicle accident) that was caused by someone else, you should not settle your claim too fast. There are many reasons that you should wait to settle your claim, especially if you do not have an attorney. For example, you may not know the full extent of you injuries and insurance companies are notorious for offering lower settlements first.

Understand your rights first

After an 18 wheeler accident, it is important to first get medical help if you are injured. You should also know what rights you have and what can be done legally about compensation. This includes knowing which party or parties are at fault for your injuries and how to file a claim or lawsuit. An attorney can help with the process of getting compensation and is your best option for settling a claim.

If you settle your 18 wheeler claim too fast, you may not have a chance to understand the claims process or even who caused the wreck. Insurance companies will want to settle quickly to avoid paying you what you deserve. But, it may be that multiple parties are responsible for the accident, not just the truck driver or trucking company.

Know your injuries and seek medical help before you settle

Another reason to wait to settle your claim, and part of completing the process, is that you need to know the extent of your injuries. If you take the first offer from the insurance company, you may not get help with future medical treatments because you didn’t know you needed them.

Many victims of vehicle accidents are sore or stiff, but feel as though they will recover quickly. Others suffer serious injuries like brain trauma, coma, spinal damage, or internal bleeding. Whether you know you are injured or only feel symptoms days or weeks later, do not take a settlement too fast. You could experience the following as a direct result of the 18 wheeler accident and not have help:

  • Long-term conditions like paralysis
  • Inability to work
  • Post-traumatic stress disorder
  • The need for physical rehabilitation

If you settle your accident claim quickly, and need treatment after you have already received the funds, the insurance company will most likely deny further payment. This can happen even if the medical bills were a direct result of the 18 wheeler accident.

What the insurance company will do

One of the first things an insurance company will try to ask you to do is to record your statement. Your own insurance company will do this too, in order to complete their side of things. You should never sign anything or make a recorded statement without an attorney if you were the victim of an accident.

An insurance company adjuster will call you to ask for your account of the accident, which seems harmless. But, they may try to use this opportunity to get you to admit fault, even a small amount, to lower your settlement. If you are still emotionally distraught or your injuries are affecting your judgement, this can cause further harm to your case.

After a truck accident, you may be overwhelmed with your injuries, medical bills, lost wages, and emotional trauma. The idea of accepting a settlement offer can be tempting because it means some of your stress can be handled. Moving forward with your life is important after an 18 wheeler accident, but taking a claim quickly often means more stress later on. Surprise medical bills and other costs can add up after a wreck, so it is best to seek the help of an attorney to know when to accept an offer.

How an attorney can help you after an 18 wheeler accident

Negotiating with insurance companies is difficult, especially if you do not have all the information you need. Attorneys can help you gather the necessary documents, reports, and records to make a solid claim.

Experienced attorneys will also speak with witnesses, doctors, and other people involved to get the full picture of your accident. They will work to find out which parties are at fault for your injuries and get you the compensation you deserve. This may mean you will have to wait longer for your claim. But, you have a better chance of getting a higher settlement and will not have to deal with negotiating with the insurance company.

Help with 18 wheeler accident claims in Texas

If you have been in a Truck Accident caused by someone else, contact an attorney as soon as possible. Attorney Dean Boyd and his caring staff are available 24/7 to help with your claim and advise you on what to do next.

You can call us at (806) 242-3333 or Contact Us by email for more information about our Services, or visit our offices at 4423 SW 45th Ave in Amarillo, Texas or 10623 Quaker Ave #102 in Lubbock, Texas to learn more.

*The content on this website is for informational purposes only and should not be taken as legal advice. Viewing this information does not establish/constitute an attorney-client relationship with the law firm of Attorney Dean Boyd.